Information about technical information and reimbursements

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Technical information

You are kindly asked to bring your presentation to the technicians’ room one hour prior to your lecture by the latest. This room is located within the lecture room “Auditorium E. Rossi”. All PCs run Windows 2000, PowerPoint 2000 and 2003. Presentations have to be brought along on a CD-Rom, DVD-Rom or Memory Stick. If videos are incorporated, please make sure that this data is also copied. Presentations will be loaded on the central server that is connected to the lecture room. Our technicians will assist you in transferring and checking your presentation.

To the attention of MAC users:

As we do not work with Mac computers in our lecture rooms, it is essential for Mac users to bring along their own laptop together with all the necessary technical devices (e.g. adaptor, etc.). Please check with our technicians that your presentation will run properly.

If you have any technical questions regarding your presentation before the congress, please contact Monika Megert by e-mail


Please book your travel to Bern directly online or with your travel agency. The organizers will cover a business class ticket for long-haul flights and an economy class ticket within Europe.

To make sure that all your expenses can be reimbursed within short time, please send an e-mail to Mr Adrian Koenig at latest until end of March 2020 with

  • a copy of all your receipts
  • and your full bank details (Bank name and address, IBAN, Clearing nbr, BIC, account nbr and Name with full address of account holder)


BBS Congress GmbH
Mr Adrian König
Rabbentalstrasse 83
3013 Bern

Phone +41 31 331 82 75
Fax +41 31 332 98 79


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